A word about GDPR. These are the new regulations that have recently come into effect, which relate to organisations keeping personal information on computer systems for the purposes of emailing. In our case if you have subscribed to our mailing list then the only information that is kept is your name and email address. These are held by a third party “MailChimp”, you can read about their efforts regarding GDPR here :

In summary all the data we hold for the purposes of emailing you about our activities are held on the MailChimp servers. They provide tools which can be used to examine, edit or (properly) delete your records as required by the GDPR regulations. The data is held securely and all passwords that we use to access the data are unique to the MailChimp system, not used on any other system and comprise up to 12 random numbers, letters and punctuation.

We do not consider that we need to get a further consent from yourselves in order to continue to email you. Consent was clearly given when you joined the mailing list and every email sent allows you to withdraw that consent by unsubscribing with a single click (and a confirmation email).

If you have paid for ECMW through the website using PayPal, then they are responsible for securely holding your details. We do not keep any of those details. You can read about their GDPR here:

I hope this is clear – if you have any questions about this, then please contact us.