Sorry you’ve decided not to pay by Paypal.
Remember you can pay by Paypal even if you do not have a Paypal account by logging in as “Guest”,
If you came out of Paypal by mistake, then please use the menu to get back to the Paypal booking form.
If you want to pay by BACS or cheque, then you can pay by BACS using these account details:
Account Name: English Traditional Music Organisation
Sort Code: 05-02-00
Account Number: 29966714
Please make sure you put your name as a reference number.
Or you can pay by sending a cheque here:
c/o Peter Meese
26 Grange Road
Dacre Banks
North Yorkshire
Please make the cheque out to “English Traditional Music Organisation”.
We will wait for your BACS or Cheque to arrive and then we will allocate your tickets. If we do not see a payment, then we will contact you.